Brace Yourself!

Hello My Dear!

If you’ve ever casually given your handbag or heavy door the old heave ho to feel a quick but slightly unpleasant twinge – please know there could be abetter way!

When we approach moving load like all is light as a feather, we run the risk of getting walloped with unexpected pain and often being laid up from said casual activity!!

SO, if you’d like to be forearmed by being forewarned – THIS video will be of use.

And if you need a refresher on HOW to pack your shoulders, refamiliarize yourself here:
ALSO if you’d like a big fat start to finish education and a resource that you can have at your fingertips, Power & Pain is an ebook that was made for this very purpose.

Oh!  And LASTLY Carolee’s special for Reiki ends Tuesday July 17th.

– 60 min Reiki sessions are $70
– 45 min Reiki sessions are $60

If you’ve yet to experience her transformative touch NOW would be a great time to schedule and do that.
To getting you clearer on how the body works, and how to make it work for you.

xox, M