Guidelines for R&R

Hello Dear One!

So if rest and relaxation is in order for your brain or being – have at it, as more of that is generally never a bad thing.

HOWEVER if you’re focused on resting your body in order to rehab an injury or a particular aspect of it – there are some guidelines that you might wish to adhere to.

Please listen to this plea about where to put your efforts in order to KEEP you upright and able AS your body recovers.

What to be mindful of for rest and recovery.

And I mention it in the video, but if you do need more instruction in the area of prevention or offsetting an injury – please check out Power & Pain the ebook, or Power & Pain in person (2 training sessions meant to get you clear on how to stay pain free and be strongest in any given move).


And lastly, if you DO actually need some R&R table side Carolee has just created an new Reiki and Reflexology offering that looks DIVINE.  Give that a gander here.

Happy Holidays!

Love to all!

To getting you clearer on how the body works, and how to make it work for you.

xo, M