Our Team

Michaela Foulkes


Michaela has been a practicing massage therapist since graduating from the Bancroft School of Massage in 1999. Her massage has a bio-mechanical focus which is a direct result of mentoring received from a notable local Rolfer, as well as being in the fitness industry working primarily with kettlebells.

She also has a deep appreciation that the body works as a unit, & to segment it out leads to a less effective treatment overall.

Michaela’s focus is on creating change in the tissue as well as helping the client to unwind and reconnect with their bodies. Awareness is brought to strength, posture, movement habits as well as supportive behaviors that might be additi­onally helpful after apt.

Prevention of degeneration in the body is a also a high priority for Michaela. She talks with her clients about ways to manage and reverse conditions, in order to create a vibrantly healthy body.

She also offers one on one sessions with clients outside of the treatment room in the realm of personal training that focus on preventing injury and understanding how to capitalize on strength in any move.  She has also written an ebook with the same focus called Power & Pain.

Additionally Michaela offers a variety of more extensive coaching programs that address a number of physical needs, as well as education and guidance in the realm of fat loss with a personally created online program called Fat Burning Mastery.


Carolee VanCouyghen Larimar, BSN

RCB Certified Reflex­ologist & Certified Reiki Master, Teacher

Carolee believes that healing is an art, and that communication between the therapist and client is a key component to a relaxing, dynamic, therapeutic session. Carolee carries a passion for health and organic living throughout her practice, using only pure products that she uses to care for herself and family.

She believes that when the client is leading their own healing process they are empowered to make lasting changes in their journey toward consci­ousness and health.

Additional information available about Carolee and her offerings at holisticri.com