Quick fix for Muscle “Tightness”.

Hello Dear One!

If you’ve ever wished to give yourself some quick relief to an area that has felt tight, this sharing might prove useful.

Now, if you’ve yet to adopt the belief that I preach ALL the time, checking it out in action might give you a different appreciation.

When a muscle feels “tight”, chances are it’s actually taught and over stretched, versus short and compressed.

SO, if that is true – stretching it is actually the WORST thing to do.

Two better things to do would be to both stretch what’s on the opposite side of the body AND gently contract what is causing you discomfort.

This video from a couple years ago will speak to this in relation to cramping and increasing the stretch of any given area.

Check it out for more on those related matters AND a visual on this concept.

How to get a deeper stretch (or stop a cramp!)

AND Happy Thanksgiving!!  

Both myself AND Carolee (Reiki and Reflexology) are in the office this week if your body (or brain!) is in need.

Would love to tend to what’s ailing you if needed.

To getting you clearer on how the body works, and how to make it work for you.

xo, M