Reassessing Results

Hello Dear One!

Ok!  Have your sights been set on a particular outcome or destination for your body or life?

Have you been doing what you think you ought to?  Or what you’ve been told?

And are you getting what’s expected?

If so, GREAT!

If not, WAIT!

Perhaps it’s time to reassess.

Here’s a quick clip about the reality of WHEN you should expect any given thing, and an encouragement about getting real with what’s so – and a push to change it if you’re not jiving with that.

Results. Are you getting what you want?

To getting you clearer on how the body works, and how to make it work for you.

xo, M

& PS: Carolee is back in town!  If her healing hands and reiki or reflexology are needed in your realm, please look forward on the schedule to a Tuesday for her next availability.