Snap, Crackle, Pop! (why go chiro?)

Hello Dear Ones,

Something out of whack? Feeling askew? Contorted? Constricted?

Well, massage may be just the thing for your ailments, or there may be another technique to turn to when in dire straights ( OR BEFORE!!! ;).

Many have heard about this, now mainstream, therapy and fewer still have kicked the tires on this vehicle of health. Smaller numbers use it w/ regularity, but those that do reap the benefits.

Why Chiro? Well if you would like to hear it channeled from the horse’s mouth, check out this clip.

I had a little Q & A w/ my beloved chiro earlier that day, and I was actually surprised why this modality is even more beneficial than I knew it to be. And I experience direct relief w/ receiving adjustments!

So watch away, and see if this either gets you back on another’s table, or gets you to inch closer to a pool that could contribute to you feeling more comfortable, more of the time.

To helping you get Bent Back into Shape.

xo, M, C & LR