Training for YOUR Winter Olympics

Hello My Darling!

OK!  The winter is soon to be upon us, & based on the number of FAT squirrels that I’ve personally seen foraging lately – our winter is going to be TOUGH.

Are you excited about snow & winter time festivities??  Hope so!

And is there an also an element of you that is additionally dreading SHOVELING??

Especially if it has been historically ROUGH on your back??

IF you’ve ever experienced a spasm relocating snow & wish to NEVER have that happen AGAIN – this exercise (done regularly) should help you stay AWAY from total back blowout.

(& if you KNOW you need more support in order to perform this exercise, please watch & entertain doing some lower back specific exercises beforehand here : Lower Back = New Best Friend )

(AND if you ALSO KNOW you need a bit more guidance & instruction around how to not get hurt in a myriad of situations, ESPECIALLY if your resolutions might be focused around fitness – please contemplate Power & Pain – scroll to bottom of list).

Check it out, & make the only reason you’re needing to remain on the couch be for watching other athletic endeavors that come close to rivaling your own. 😉

To getting you clear on how the body works, & how to make it work for you.

xoxo, M