Why Start On the Front??

Hello Dear Ones,

Why would you start where it does NOT hurt?

Why are we not spending most (or even ALL) of the time in the area of most complaint??

Why does the front of the body (or even the LEGS) need any attention at all???

If you’ve ever wrestled with these questions silently or audibly and STILL have yet to gain a satisfactory answer, this might suffice.

Listen up for a thorough explanation here.

Massaging the front of the body first

And if you’ve yet to check out Carolee’s work, please know she’s currently in the office on Thursdays.

Check out her schedule here.

AND if you haven’t heard, I HAVE A PODCAST!!!

If you’d like to tap into the Unbound podcast that shares info on all things fat loss, fitness, and freedom related, give that a listen here.

To getting you clear on how the body works, and how to make it work for you.

xo, M