Holiday Love Bomb

Hello Dear One!

Just wanted to give you a virtual hug & share some words that might help ease up any tension if there is some present.

Hope you are treating yourself incredibly well in this season, as you deserve nothing less.

Much. much love to you.

xox, M

Steps for Self-Diagnosis

Hello My Darling!

Have you ever felt CONFUSED as to what to do for a sudden pain in your body?

Where you felt like you were in a sea of (mild to intense) pain with no understanding of which direction to head to reach the shore?

Well, you’re not alone!

If you’d like to have some instruction as to what to try out to possibly either get a handle, or create some relief, for yourself without additional assistance – this video might be worth checking out.

To getting you clearer on how the body works, & how to make it work for you.

xox, M

Training for YOUR Winter Olympics

Hello My Darling!

OK!  The winter is soon to be upon us, & based on the number of FAT squirrels that I’ve personally seen foraging lately – our winter is going to be TOUGH.

Are you excited about snow & winter time festivities??  Hope so!

And is there an also an element of you that is additionally dreading SHOVELING??

Especially if it has been historically ROUGH on your back??

IF you’ve ever experienced a spasm relocating snow & wish to NEVER have that happen AGAIN – this exercise (done regularly) should help you stay AWAY from total back blowout.

(& if you KNOW you need more support in order to perform this exercise, please watch & entertain doing some lower back specific exercises beforehand here : Lower Back = New Best Friend )

(AND if you ALSO KNOW you need a bit more guidance & instruction around how to not get hurt in a myriad of situations, ESPECIALLY if your resolutions might be focused around fitness – please contemplate Power & Pain – scroll to bottom of list).

Check it out, & make the only reason you’re needing to remain on the couch be for watching other athletic endeavors that come close to rivaling your own. 😉

To getting you clear on how the body works, & how to make it work for you.

xoxo, M

What NOT to do for Lower Back Pain.

Hello My Darling!

Ok!  Have you, or do you, suffer from lower back discomfort?

Have you had experiences when your back has felt stiff, tight, or totally locked up with LOADS of pain accompanying it??

IF so – you probably tried to create some relief by STRETCHING.

And if that those particular stretches did NOT result in either much relief or even MORE pain :O, you might have been performing some of the movements in this very video.

Check it out to see what might be stalling progress or even increasing pain. :(…

To getting you clearer on how the body works, & how to make it work for you.

xo, M

Sleep Sounder

Hello My Darling!

If you’ve likened yourself to the Sleep Nazi by the tortuous position you end up in OR the fact that you believe you MUST sleep in a specific fashion – this could be for you.

Many of us think there’s a RIGHT or WRONG way to do any number of things – & the position we sleep in is not exempt from that list of judgement.

BUT if you’ve tried in vain to mend your ways only to find yourself back in the shape your body loves best, OR created a less restful slumber by AIMING to change your ways – this quick explanation & demo might serve you well.

To getting you clearer on how the body works, & how to make it work for you.

xo, M

Self Drainage for the Breast

Hello My Darling!

Well…. if you’ve ever had the awareness that Lymphatic Drainage is a healing & helpful modality AND if Breast Health is a priority in your world – this could be for you.

OR maybe both sound good, but you have no idea how to either take advantage of one or support the other – then please check this out.

If getting junk out of your system faster sounds like a good idea, learn a little more about this sedating & gentle type of bodywork, & perhaps give it a whirl within the comfort of your own home.

Self Lymphatic Drainage for the Breast

To getting you clearer on how the body works, & how to make it work for you.

xxo, M

Erik’s Dad Can’t Do a Lunge!! :(

Hello Dear Ones,

Can you relate?!?  Or know someone that can?

This is both not an unusual phenomenon nor an illogical one based on where most people are weak & underdeveloped.

Lunges are a foundational exercise, & if you’re not able to perform them a LOT gets taken off the exercise table.

If you’d like to either put them back in your exercise arsenal of offerings, or refine what you’re currently up to – this short clip might be worth your while.

To getting you clearer on how the body works, & how to make it work for you.

xox, M

& PS: staying stationary (vs stepping back) is also an option

& PPS: things like THIS get sorted out in the 1st session of Power & Pain.  If there is curiosity or need PLEASE be in touch.

What Your Tissue Tells.

Hello My Dear!

I’m sure you’re well aware of the logic between how YOU feel & what has been going on in your world in terms of stress, diet, water consumption & sleep (+++).

But did you also know how your tissue feels to an outside party clearly showcases just as much?  Or sometimes even MORE?!?

If you’d like to hear a run down about basic types of tissue & what they reflect, watch on – there might be some eye opening insight for the future.

What Tension Means

To getting you clearer on how the body works, & how to make it work for you.

xox, M

No Pain, No Gain.

Hello My Dear!

Do you believe this to be true?  Or have you ever?

If you’ve equated struggle or suffering with value & effectiveness – this sharing, “might”, change your perspective.  (Oh please, oh please!)

No Pain No Gain

And if you’d like to know about how this might possibly pertain to the world of the workout – there’s a 5 day series I created (through my other site where I focus mostly on fat loss & fitness) with the focus being education around fat burning, where exercise is one component.

Feel free to sign up for that here if that holds any interest –

To getting you clearer on how the body works, & how to make it work for you.

xox, M

Wake Up Your Sleepy Glutes!

Hello Dear Ones!

If you’ve ever wondered WHY it might be that you have a hard time using your glutes in the gym or in helping to offset using your lower back when picking things up – these quick techniques might be for you.

AND if you have no idea WHAT has been going on with your glutes, or what they might be affecting (positive or negative) – then PLEASE check this out.

To getting you clearer on how the body works, & how to make it work for you.

xox, M