Tip for Shoulder Tightness (or ANYTHING else!)

Hello Dear One!

Ok, so if you’ve ever felt a bit stymied around how to create relief for something that’s of low grade discomfort but also relatively omnipresent – this video could be of use.

Tip for tight shoulders (or ANYTHING else!)

And here are all of the items I mentioned for this client should they be of use or interest for you as well..

Neck Pain Drain

Default Dinners

Power & Pain

ALSO if you’ve been missing Carolee’s presence and her gifts of Reiki and Reflexology – please know that her fall schedule is open and filling. 

Check out her schedule here.

To getting you clearer on how the body works, and how to make it work for you.

xox, M

Solutions for Slouching

Hello Dear One!

Are you TALL?

Or do you find yourself wishing to be lower in a variety of circumstances resulting in bending in all the wrong places?

Which might end up creating discomfort in your back & neck??

If you’d love an alternative to crappy posture to get your face & head to a depth that is most pleasing – please watch this!

(This was mapped out for an ER doctor, but it might serve you just as well.)

Oh! & if this info seems USEFUL & you’d like to know about more for your ENTIRE BODY, Power & Pain (ebook) might serve you quite well in this capacity.

To getting you clearer on how the body works in order to make it work for you.

xox, M

Stop Hurting Yourself! (Power & Pain – ebook)

Hello Darling One!

Figured I’d make this a slightly more formal invitation to get the FULL scope on how to prevent injury & capitalize on the strength that you possess.

If you’ve flirted with the idea of the in person Power & Pain sessions for these exact reasons, but have felt that they didn’t work in your life for whatever reason – the ebook, Power & Pain, might be the solution.

This is meant to be a step by step manual to go through how to eliminate the possibility of getting hurt in deliberate challenge (exercise), or the everyday variety of movement.

It’s also designed to provide an education as to how to add load in ways that will take advantage of a sound structure AND show you how to create more power in any movement.

Like the in person Power & Pain – this is meant to be an education to use ALWAYS.

And with this ebook, the opportunity is to have this information literally in your back pocket.

Full of photos & quick demo videos – this is meant to be highly comprehensive & retainable.

Would love to have you check out Power & Pain (the ebook) if inclined, & be in touch with questions if there are any.

To getting you clearer on how the body works, & how to make it work for you.

xox, M

Wake Up Your Sleepy Glutes!

Hello Dear Ones!

If you’ve ever wondered WHY it might be that you have a hard time using your glutes in the gym or in helping to offset using your lower back when picking things up – these quick techniques might be for you.

AND if you have no idea WHAT has been going on with your glutes, or what they might be affecting (positive or negative) – then PLEASE check this out.

To getting you clearer on how the body works, & how to make it work for you.

xox, M

Sitting Pretty

Hello Dear Ones!

Do you find yourself seated, like, ALL THE TIME???

Are you chained to a chair in some capacity much of & most days?

Do you have nagging sensations in your lower/upper back or neck that you believe are simply par for the course based on this position?

Well IF so – PLEASE check out this brief video.

I talk about this slight shift ALL the time, but also often in someone’s initial visit.

Easy to have missed.  And if so, please don’t let it pass you by again.

To getting you clearer on how the body works, & how to make it work for you.

xox, M

Ice VS Heat! The End of an Epic Debate

Hello Dear Ones.

Well, which is it? And when should I do what?!?

Watch and see your confusion melt away. Your brain will glow bright w/ understanding around which substance is far superior, but will simultaneously be illuminated as to how both carry weight to heal.

Utilize elements of nature to soothe and repair, and now know WHY they help so magnificently.

To helping your body AND brain chill out ;).

xo, M & LR @ Still Point

Spasms! The Deal & What to Do.

Hello Darling Ones,

Yup! The ever tortuous, elusive spasm!

The strike from behind, no holds barred phenomenon that can happen at what feels like the drop of a hat. Boo :(.

Well, what we have here today, is not only an effort to demystify this evil specter – but a little home remedy as well.

So watch away, and keep those painful demons at bay ;).

To helping you to work WITH your body vs it against YOU.

xo, M & LR @ Still Point