Cramp Medic

Ok Dear Ones,

So you’re in a deep restful slumber, when “Whoa!!”.

Out of nowhere your rarely heard from calf decides to give you a heart attack inducing wake up call – AKA a cramp. Boo to that!

Cramps are a drag, and cramps are humbling. They command respect. NOW. And there is no NOT tending to such an attention grabber.

SO, what to do when seized from sleep? How to treat the teeny demon that is causing pain to sear into your lower leg and foot?

Many of you have heard me preach about the Logic that is Your Body – and how to treat a cramp falls under this umbrella as well.

Now there are many factors that can cause a cramp – dehydration, calcium deficiency, uber tight muscles in the area of concern… Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! And any one of those culprits could be causing your body to jump and jive on it’s own accord.

SO, when ripped from dreamland and hopping on the floor to rid yourself of the intense pain think about the your shin NOT your calf.

Think about gingerly flexing your foot, and working at bringing your toes in the direction of your nose to tame that beast in your body.

This actually works. It feels like magic when you do it, but this trick is based in logic as well.

This maneuver is called reciprocal inhibition. Basically, when you make one side of body work (ie contract), the other side has to stop (ie relax).

This is golden info my darlings! Use it! Share it w/ your friends! And commit it to memory, for when you’re flailing on the ground begging for mercy – you will want this tool in your belt.

Your body is a network of levers and pulleys, put that knowledge to use for your own benefit.

To sleeping soundly, or knowing what the heck to do if you get rudely interrupted.

xo, M & LR @ Still Point