Off Roading & Staying on Track

Oh Darlings!

To be committed to forward movement, and then to get off course!

It happens! All the time!

1st – shifting to more beneficial behaviors is no small deal. Even the DESIRE to create greener pastures for yourself is tremendous!

So, give yourself a brief but tender hug, before gathering ’round again.

2nd – Life happens! Crap happens! Schedule shifts and obligations happen! Fun plans happen! Seasonal happenings happen!

We are in this glorious, never the same thing twice, constantly evolving, life thing that happens!

Be thankful for this, and be clear on what the deal is.

SO, when thrown from the horse or even just gently knocked slightly off course – get back on it!

The more committed you are to attaining what you’ve set out to, the more likely you are to quickly (sometimes effortlessly) reorient yourself back to your “on track”.

The details matter little when your Grand Plan is your driving force.

So put off following up w/ those leads, skip stretching this week, go to bed late, FINISH the chocolate cake. Do it.

Love yourself for your versatility.

Then get back on track.

To riding beside you on or off the pavement ;).

xo, M & LR @ Still Point